Google Analytics Data Usage Policy

Chartio receives data from your Google Analytics account through the secure permission process built in to Google products. Individual Analytics users can authorize Chartio to connect with a Google Analytics account, from which point Chartio is able to view, but never edit, your Google Analytics data.

Once connected, you do not need to be logged into your Google Analytics account to work with Analytics data in Chartio, and any user of the Chartio project to which that data source is connected will be able to see or interact with that data in Chartio, depending on their user permissions level. You can find out more about user permissions levels in our documentation.

Apart from caching the charts for a better user experience at log in, Chartio does not store or collect your Google Analytics data. When you build a chart, the Analytics API is being called to directly access your data within Google Analytics. Finally, any Analytics account can be disconnected from Chartio at any time by simply clicking the 'disconnect' link within your project's settings page.

Chartio is committed to following Google's best-practices for interacting with your data, and we're proud to be listed in Google's Analytics App Gallery.