Chartio - Start to Launch!

Posted by dave on November 13, 2012 Chartio

Two and a half years ago, fueled by the pain and friction involved in trying to find insights from my data, I started writing the code for what would become Chartio. I really felt that it should be way way easier to see what data I was collecting in a format that I could understand. Writing queries and dumping the data to excel or spending time wiring it into a charting library was not a great way to find insights.

I wanted to make it easy to create charts and dashboard, but not static ones, nor ones that were flashy and changing all the time. I wanted an display into my data that was interactive! One where I could create charts without writing queries and API calls. Where a chart was not just the answer to a question but a clickable starting point into an understanding of the data within it.

Chartio has been an incredible journey through Y Combinator, not raising money, parting with a founder, going broke, working alone for 10 months, raising 20k, watching my housemates raise millions, getting another co-founder, raising more money, hiring an amazing engineer, hiring his friends, watching Chartio turn from a project into a product, pissing off and disappointing customers, more and more features, feeling progress but not as quickly as we’d like, design, happier customers, less bugs, more datasources, more design, revenue, marketing, even happier customers, raising more money, more engineers, more features and fixes, evangelist customers, consistent growth, product market fit…

And now you can imagine its with a HUGE amount of excitement that I’m happy to announce the official launch of Chartio! With the help of many generous beta customers and the incredible Chartio team we have a product that we’re incredibly proud of and excited to continue building.

On a high level we think of Chartio as a translator between databases and humans. Our mission is to build the simplest, most interactive, and most beautiful interface to data.

A huge thanks to everyone who’s had an impact so far! Please join us in launching by spreading the word and excitement about what we’re accomplishing at Chartio!