
Data Dictionary for Chartio Certification

This data dictionary describes table and column information from Digisign’s data warehouse. Digisign is a fictional document signature company and you’ll answer questions using their dataset.

Tables in the schema:
Accounts Documents Invoices
Nps Organization Users Organizations
Signatures Users Web Traffic

Table: Accounts

Customer information from Digisign’s Customer Relationship Management tool. “Account” may sometimes be referred to as “customer”, “company”, or “organization”. The most granular piece of information in the table is an account and its attributes.

Column Definition Relation to other tables
Account Source Lead source of this account - LinkedIn, Cold Call, Website Referral, etc. This is how the account found out about Digisign.
Annual Revenue Total amount of money the company is making annually. Not to be confused with how much the company is paying Digisign annually
Billing Address Street address associated with the account for billing information
Billing City City associated with the account for billing information
Billing Country Country associated with the account for billing information
Billing Postal Code Postal code associated with the account for billing information
Billing State State associated with the account for billing information
Created Date Date and time the account was created in Digisign’s CRM tool
Description Description of the account
Id Unique Id number of the account. Each account in this table is a row
Industry Industry the company is in - Health, Real Estate, Construction, etc.
Last Activity Date Date and time the account last had an activity as tracked in the CRM tool
Last Modified Date Date and time the account was last modified in the CRM tool
Last Viewed Date Date and time the account was last viewed in the CRM tool
MRR Monthly Recurring Revenue. This is the amount of money the customer is paying Digisign monthly
Name Name of the account
Number of Employees Number of employees the company has. Not necessarily equivalent to the number of users they have in Digisign
Organization Id The account’s organization Id. This is different than the account Id because the account Id is generated by the CRM tool, whereas the organization data is coming from Digisign’s database Correlates with the "Id" column in the Organizations table
Owner Id Id of the Account Owner. This person is an internal Digisign employee, likely the organization’s account manager
Phone Phone number to reach this account
Rating How the customer rated Digisign on a 1-10 scale
Trial End Date Date the customer’s Digisign trial ended
Website Account’s company website
Year Started Year the customer started with Digisign

Table: Documents

Contains information on documents. The most granular piece of information in the table is a document and its attributes.

Column Definition Relation to other tables
Created Date Date and time this document was created/uploaded
Id Unique Id number of the document. Each document in this table is a row Used to join with the Signatures table
Name The name of the document. A user can give their document any name, but the type of document will be part of the name
Organization Id Id number of the organization that the uploader of the document belongs to. See uploader_id column Can be joined to the Organizations table on the "Id" column
Status Status of the document. What each status means does not need to be known by the user to answer the exam questions.
Type The type of document. There are 3 distinct files a document type can be - word, pdf, or img
Uploader Id The Id of the user that uploaded the document. Each user belongs to an organization. The moment a user uploads a document a timestamp is generated, populating the created_date field. Correlates with the "Id" column in the Users table

Table: Invoices

Contains information about all invoices created. Invoices are sent out for payment owed for various services. Each customer or organization may be invoiced numerous times. The most granular piece of information in the table is an invoice and its attributes.

Column Definition Relation to other tables
Amount Total amount of money billed on the invoice
Created Date Date and time the invoice was created
Id Unique Id number of an invoice. Each invoice in this table is a row
Organization Id Unique identifier for the organization Correlates with the "Id" column in the Organizations table

Table: Nps

Data from NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys given to Digisign’s customers. The most granular piece of information in the table is an NPS survey score and its attributes.

Column Definition Relation to other tables
Contact Id The Id of the customer contact who submitted the NPS score
Created Date Date and time that the NPS score was submitted
Id Each NPS score in this table is a row and has a unique Id number
Score The NPS score that was submitted on a scale of 1-10

Table: Organization Users

Joining table with information relevant to Users and Organizations.

Column Definition Relation to other tables
Organization Id Unique identifier for each organization Correlates with the "Id" column in the Organizations table
User Id Unique identifier for each user, regardless of association with an organization. This Id is unchangeable whether other user details are updated. Correlates with the "Id" column in the Users table

Table: Organizations

Contains information on organizations from Digisign’s system database. Each organization is a customer or trialer of Digisign. The most granular piece of information in the table is an organization and its attributes.

Column Definition Relation to other tables
Country Country the organization is located in
Created Date Date and time the organization was created
Id Unique Id number of an organization. Each organization in this table is a row Used to join with the Accounts, Invoices, and Organization Users tables’ "organization_id" columns
MRR Amount of money the customer is paying us monthly
Name The name of the organization
Plan Type of plan currently enabled for an organization
Started Paying Date Date and time the organization started paying
State State of the organization’s primary location (if applicable)
Stopped Paying Date Date and time the organization stopped paying
Trial End Date Date and time the organization’s free trial ended
Trial Start Date Date and time the organization signed up for a free trial

Table: Signatures

Contains information on signatures for documents. The most granular piece of information in the table is a signature and its attributes.

Column Definition Relation to other tables
Created Date Date and time the signature was created
Document Id The document Id number Correlates with the "Id" column in the Documents table
Id Unique Id number of a signature. Each signature in this table is a row
User Id The signatory that signed. There can be more than one signatory per document. The moment a user signs a document a timestamp is generated, populating the signature_date field. Correlates with the "Id" column in the Users table

Table: Users

User data from Digisign’s system database. Each user is someone that has signed up for Digisign. The most granular piece of information in the table is a user and its attributes.

Column Definition Relation to other tables
Created Date Date and time the user was created in Digisign’s system
Email User’s email address
First Name User’s first name
Id Unique Id number of a user. Each user in this table is a row Used to join with the Documents, Organization Users, and Signatures tables
Last Login Date and time of the user’s last login to Digisign
Last Name User’s last name
Phone User’s phone number

Table: Web Traffic

Digisign website traffic data looking at visitor session data.

Column Definition Relation to other tables
Browser Browser the website visitor is on - Chrome, Firefox, etc.
Country Country the website visitor is located in
Datetime Timestamp of the visitor’s web page visit
Device Device the visitor is using to browser the website - Android, Windows, iPhone, etc.
Latitude Latitude of the website visitor
Longitude Longitude of the website visitor
Milliseconds Length of time in milliseconds that the user was on the page
Page Web page the visitor is on
Referrer Web page the visitor was on before visiting the Digisign web page. How the visitor got to the Digisign web page
Session Id Unique number assigned to the user for the duration of the user’s visit
Type Type of web traffic - Social, Organic, Direct, etc.
User Id Unique user Id of the visitor