
Box Plot Chart Settings (Vega)

Available chart settings tabs for Box Plot charts
General Axis Color
Drilldown Annotation


“Chart title”, “Title font size”, “Chart subtitle”, “Subtitle font size”, and “Show tooltips” can be found in the General section of our Chart Settings page.


X Axis

“Title”, “Rotate labels”, and “Hide labels” can be found in the Axis section of our Chart Settings page.

Y Axis

“Title”, “Rotate labels”, “Hide labels”, “Min”, “Max”, “Steps”, “Data format”, “Number format”, and “Rounding” can be found in the Y Axis (Left) section of our Chart Settings page.

Log axis
Displays the y-axis on a logarithmic scale


“Background color” and “Use custom colors” can be found in the Color section of our Chart Settings page.


Check out Drilldowns for more information on this tab.


Check out the Annotation section from the Chart Settings page for more details.