
Chart Settings (Vega)

Each chart type has its own customizable chart settings. The settings are grouped into different tabs, but not all chart types have every settings tab.

You can get to the Chart Settings via one of the following methods:

  • From the dashboard, open the chart’s ellipsis menu and click Edit Settings
  • In Visual SQL, click the Gear above the Chart Preview.
  • In Data Explorer, click Settings next to the chart title.

Chart Settings for Bar Line chart

Chart settings tabs

General Legend Axis Color
Series Drilldown Annotation

Settings for each chart type

Area Bar Bar Line Box Plot
Bubble Map Bubble Bullet* Funnel*
Heat Map Line Map Pie
Scatter Plot Single Value* Single Value Indicator* Sparkline


Applicable chart types: All

Listed below are some common fields found in almost every chart type’s General settings tab. Fields for a specific chart type can be found on the chart type’s settings page.

Chart title
The title of your chart
Title font size
The font size of your chart title; minimum value is 8
Chart subtitle
The subtitle for your chart
Subtitle font size
The font size of your chart subtitle; minimum value is 8
Show tooltips
Enable tooltips, which appear when you hover over areas of your chart and show the values at the specified point


Applicable chart types: Area, Bar, Bar Line, Bubble, Heat Map, Line, Pie, Scatter Plot

Listed below are some common fields found in almost every chart type’s Legend settings tab. Fields for a specific chart type can be found on the chart type’s settings page.

Show legend
By default, all charts display a legend if there are multiple groupings in your chart. You can change this via the Show legend dropdown in the General tab of the settings. The following options are available:
  • Always: the legend always appears on the chart
  • Never: the legend is hidden from the chart
  • Auto: the legend appears when multiple groupings are present
If the chart legend is shown, choose whether to display the legend outside or inside the chart and where to place it

Outside Chart:

  • Left
  • Right
  • Above (default)
  • Below

Inside Chart:

  • Top Left
  • Top Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Right
Number of columns
Specify the number of columns your legend spans; leaving the default as 0 keeps your legend on one line


Applicable chart types: All except Bubble Map, Map, Pie, Single Value, Single Value Indicator, and Table

Listed below are some common fields found in almost every chart type’s Axis settings tab. Fields for a specific chart type can be found on the chart type’s settings page.

X Axis

Title for the x-axis
Rotate labels
Rotate the x-axis labels by -45, -30, 30, or 45 degrees—or don’t rotate them at all

Another way to work with long label names is to use angled or rotated labels. This is great for situations when you can’t (or don’t want to) swap the axes of your chart, or when you have long labels on both axes. If you aren’t hiding your labels, you can avoid the ellipsis labels by rotating them. Angled labels will get harder to read the more they are rotated, so only angle them as much as is needed.

Hide labels
When selected, hides the x-axis labels
Available when the x-axis labels are numeric

Specify the minimum value of your y-axis

Available when the x-axis labels are numeric

Specify the maximum value of your y-axis

Available when the x-axis labels are numeric

Specify the number of steps to show between your Min and Max values

Date format
Available when the x-axis labels are dates

Choose how to format date labels:

  • Short (mm/dd/yy; e.g., 3/28/19)
  • Medium (e.g., Mar 28, 2019)
  • Long (e.g., March 28, 2019)
  • Full (e.g., Thursday, March 28, 2019)
  • ISO-8601 (e.g., 2019-03-28)

Check out our FAQ about X-axis date labels if you’re having issues.

Data format
Available when the x-axis labels are numeric

Choose how your values are displayed

  • Number
  • Percentage: Multiplies the values by 100 and appends a %
  • Currency
  • None (no format)
  • Custom
Number format
Available when Data format is Number

Choose how your numbers are displayed

  • 1,234.56
  • 1234.56
  • 1234,56
  • 1.234,56
  • 1 234,56
  • 1’234.56
Currency format
Available when Data format is Currency

Choose a currency symbol to prepend to your axis labels

  • $ (USD)
  • € (EUR)
  • ¥ (JPY)
  • £ (GBP)
  • ₪ (ILS)
  • R$ (BRL)
Available when Data format is Number or Currency

Choose how to round your values—or don’t round

  • 1k
  • No Rounding
  • Round to Integers (1000)
  • 2 decimal places
  • 3 decimal places

Note: If your chart values are integers, labels will be integers too.

Y Axis

Title for the y-axis
Hide labels
When selected, hides the y-axis labels
Rotate labels
Rotate the y-axis labels by -45, -30, 30, or 45 degrees—or don’t rotate them at all
Specify the minimum value of your y-axis
Specify the maximum value of your y-axis
Specify the number of steps to show between your Min and Max values
Data format
Choose how your values are displayed (see Data format from the X Axis section for more details)
Number format
Available when Data format is Number

Choose how your numbers are displayed (see Number format from the X Axis section for more details)

Currency format
Choose a currency symbol to prepend to your axis labels (see Currency format from the X Axis section for more details)
Available when Data format is Number or Currency

Choose how to round your values—or don’t round (see Rounding from the X Axis section for more details)


Applicable chart types: All

Listed below are some common fields found in almost every chart type’s Color settings tab. Fields for a specific chart type can be found on the chart type’s settings page.

Background color
The background color of your chart

By default, uses the background color of the Dashboard Theme; selecting another color overrides background color of the dashboard theme

Choose a custom background color for your chart

Use custom colors
Select to override the colors of the dashboard theme

Use the color picker to set the color of each column represented on your chart. You could also input the hexadecimal color code if you’d prefer. Make sure to click Select once you’ve chosen your color to update the selection.

The colors are tied to each specific result set in your chart, so if the ordering in your chart changes due to the data changing, the color you associated with Login, for example, always stays associated with Login. However, the color resets if you change the name of Login.

Use the color picker to choose a custom color for your chart


Applicable chart types: All except Box Plot, Bullet, Funnel, Pie, Single Value, Single Value Indicator, and Table


Applicable chart types: All except Sparkline

Turn your chart into a Drilldown by selecting the dashboard and Dashboard Controls to connect it to.


Applicable chart types: All except Bubble Map, Bullet, Map, Pie, Single Value, Single Value Indicator, Sparkline, and Table

Add a note at a specific x or y-axis value in your chart to provide your teammates with some context for the data or add a target line to your chart.

Show annotation labels on chart
Select to show the Label you provide when adding a new annotation

Add a new annotation

Click Add new annotation to create a new annotation.

Choose to add an annotation at a value on the X Axis or the Y Axis
Specify the value on the chosen axis to show the annotation; the sample values below the form field show the required format
The note you’d like to add; appears next to the annotation line
Choose the color of the annotation (for both the line and text)

X axis annotation example

X-axis annotation

Y axis annotation example

Y-axis annotation