Documentation Charts Chart Settings

Bubble Chart Settings

Available chart settings tabs for Bubble charts
General Axis Color
Series Drilldown Annotation


“Chart title”, “Title font size”,” Show legend”, “Show tooltips”, and “Round tooltip values” can be found in the General section of our Chart Settings page.

Switch measures for Y / size
Swaps Columns 2 and 3 (i.e., the y-values are now the size values, and the size values are now the y-values)


X Axis

“Title”, “Show labels”, “Label steps”, “Rotate labels”, and “Label format” can be found in the X Axis section of our Chart Settings page.

Y Axis

“Title”, “Show labels”, “Rotate labels”, “Label format”, and “Range override” can be found in the Y Axis (Left) section of our Chart Settings page.

Logarithmic scale
Editable when Stacked is unselected

Displays the y-axis on a logarithmic scale

Reverse axis
Reverses the values on the y-axis


“Background color” and “Use custom colors” can be found in the Color section of our Chart Settings page.


Max bubble size
Choose the maximum size of bubbles
  • Auto size: default
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large


Check out Drilldowns for more information on this tab.


Check out the Annotation section from the Chart Settings page for more details.